MICHEL (MEE-shell)

Michel has more faces than she herself can count: hundreds, maybe even in the thousands by now. Who's to say?This is far from an exhaustive list. These are just a few identities of my own invention that I have references for, since often he's mimicking established characters or others' in roleplay/writing.(His own gender and pronouns don't change no matter how he looks, so the pronouns below labeled "presentation" are the ones associated with each disguise.)
Age: | 42 |
Height: | 5'4" (164cm) |
Presentation: | he/she/they |
Race: | Keeper Miqo'te |
A bright-eyed, and perhaps slightly obnoxious miqo'te with a... notable disregard for rules, in spite of his age and apparent naïvety.

Age: | 69 |
Height: | 8'0" (244cm) |
Presentation: | they/them |
Race: | Seawolf Roegadyn |
An eccentric aging roegadyn, who struck rich on the sudden success of their enigmatic private business.Apparently owns a beloved giant pet peacock named Revenant, "imported" from Othard.

Age: | 38 |
Height: | 6'7" (200cm) |
Presentation: | she/her |
Race: | Ishgardian Elezen |
A noble of a minor house of Ishgard, she never was the type for formal affairs. Or good manners.
She's seldom seen nowadays. It seems she leads a very busy life- though her grave in Ishgard tells another story.

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Below are snippets from Michel's "character journal," where they take notes on the habits and personalities of most everyone they meet. These are the notes for a few important, recurring people in their life.
Hog Bwtshbyr, 46 |
Accent: La Noscean now, apparently- not doing a great job at it! |
Posture: shoulders always back, but otherwise relaxed; stands with legs apart. twirls hair when nervous (hates having it pointed out) |
Gait: big heavy strides. terrible balance when tired |
Vocab: little in the way of slang, and increasingly formal with those they dislike. may simply make noises instead of speaking |
Speaking quirks: rarely speaks unless spoken to, and may take long pauses when thinking. voice becomes louder and lower when angered; mouth moves less when uncomfortable |
Notes: An easy book to read, if not an entirely open one. Luckily I already know its contents. Perhaps it's simply easier for me, considering we're family. |

Fohr'sae Jhug, 26 |
Accent: just slightly Lominsan; less slightly when angry or loud |
Posture: terrible slouch, leans a lot; stands and sits with legs spread, and rests elbows on tables or legs. fidgets with hair or jewelry when trying to be still |
Gait: heavy and slow, drags their feet |
Vocab: curses frequently, and even moreso when emotional. highly casual and poor in manners, in spite of a large vocabulary |
Speaking quirks: fairly quiet voice until excited, often grumbles to himself; standoffish until you get him talking. smug when confident |
Notes: Impossible to shake off, somehow. May require caution, though admittedly he seems to be rather harmless... and attached. |

Keiteaux Kisarre, 72 |
Accent: Ishgardian, heavy enunciation |
Posture: straight, stiff, and rigid in spite of back and leg pains; however, will bend or kneel for children |
Gait: long and heavy-footed, heel first. slower and shorter steps in unfamiliar territory |
Vocabulary: large words, quite verbose and direct with no filter; reeks of education |
Speaking quirks: loud, fast and clear speech; becomes brisk with impatience. VERY long-winded when angry |
Notes: Boss doesn't open up easily. Best not to pry- it seems like he's been through quite a bit of pain. Not that I know the details. |

Ruhvi'a Lotnaji, 46 |
Accent: heavy, rural Northern Shroud |
Posture: tall and proper, though shoulders fall with flare-ups of aches; crosses arms or rests hands on hips |
Gait: smooth and typical; slows with aches. takes longer steps to keep up with those faster than him, and otherwise adjusts his speed to those slower |
Vocab: common and unpretentious aside from proper medical terms, though seemingly educated |
Speaking quirks: gentle, melodic when in a good mood. speaks slow with most strangers, but rather quickly when comfortable. accent thickens with drink |
Notes: The doc's a kind soul if I've ever met one. My "face thing" plainly discomforts him, though he doesn't seem inclined to put me in real trouble, somehow. |